In Lumine Lunae

Our brand is specialized in creating and selling handmade occult perfumery and esoteric supplies for spiritual practices and vibrational healing with a particular focus on female spirituality.
Our products are envisioned and made with natural ingredients, intention, occult knowledge and in co-partnership with plants spirits. 

The owner • esoteric herbalist

Cristina is a solopreneur, creatrix of In Lumine Lunae, shop owner at Occult Botanica and founder of the Dianic spiritual organization Templum Dianae. She has been initiated in the Dianic Tradition and officially ordained Dianic Clergy (Priestess) by the Temple of Diana (Los Angeles, CA).
Cristina is also author, ritual perfumer, esoteric herbalist trained in herbal medicine, certified Plant Spirit Healing practitioner behind Lumen Viridia, member of the British Flower Essence Producers (BAFEP) and landscape architect specialized in healing gardens and therapeutic landscape.
She has been teaching classes and workshops about esotericism and female spirituality in Italy and abroad since 2010.